After much angst!! i have managed to get some audio to accompany this slideshow
if you scroll up you will see a Icon which if you activate will accompany this show.
if you time it right you might be able to understand what i'm talking about!!! is a fantastic alternative to Internet Archive which if found rather slow going for uploading MP3 audio files. Thanks to Dave McQuillan for the heads up on this link.
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Well done Mereana, glad to see my email feedback was taken on board. Just for the record here - that feedback I gave was pointing out a contradiction between describing a need for open access, but development that was closed access; and suggesting that the executive summary include the development timeline just to paint a full picture early in the presentation.
Mereana, if/when you get audio in with your slides, can you ask your colleagues to come into this blog and leave comment feedback, or at least do your blog survey? I will try and direct people to your post..
Just a quick thought (and what a well presented proposal).... is Piaget considered a constructivist? I didn't think he was but am open to being corrected! Constructivists are more the Vygotsky's of this world!
Hiya Leigh, Merrolee! thanks for the feedback comments and suggestions., I will continue to perservere with the audio aspect of the presentation and follow up with colleagues who can hopefully provide feedback (and complete the pole.
Re Constructivist theory - I have made a link in a separate post that might give some clarrity around Piaget and his role in the devt of the dvt of constructivist theory. cheers!
My first pice of advice/feedback would be not to use BlackBoard. I have just finished a course for PG students on a blog platform, and the students much prefered it to BB, which feels very flat and dead.
The students loved Elluminate and we had very successful meetings in ther evenings, which seemed to suit everyone better than during the day. I didn't mind 'teaching' in the evening cos it meant I didn't have to go to the polytech, so I was able to slob around & no one was any the wiser. If you want a hand with Elluminate, give me a shout.
Here is the new blog of a Moari midwife & PG student - I am sure she'd like to hear from you:
hiya sarah.
thanks for the feedback re blackboard, i hear from Sally P at our staff meeting that OP will be using Moodle platform in 2009 so I'm about to formalise a Moodle site for Contemporary issues in Maori Health soon. appreciate the link to maori midwifery PG students.
Yes, i will give you a shout when i'm ready to get elluminate started
Thanks for this great presentation Mereana. Very clear and easily understood. I have some thoughts which I am going to email to you as well. One thing I would suggest is that you consider using EXE for your course development. I know that there seem to have been some issues in getting course genie to load into Moodle but EXE does this with ease. It is also a very easy programme to work with.
I imagine your course would be of interest and be a valuable resource for many others outside your department, around Polytech, nationally and internationally. It is a shame that we are not ready yet to make our work available to all. Maybe in the future....
I wish you well with this, looks like we are all going to be pretty busy over the next wee while.
thanks for the feedback/comments carolyn. i will definitely take a look at the EXE programme. Yes, like you i've been pondering the possiblities of getting the course info out more widely and i would rule that out as a future development possiblity however, i'm erring on the side of caution in respect of wanting to get the resources sorted and have some more confidence with the digitally competent myself.!!
best wishes for your course development...
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